Cadastral Mapping
Cadastre maps holds the record of areas and values of land and of landholders that provides the basis for subsequent mapping projects to meet the needs of many critical public services like-
Reliable means of precise description(metes and bounds) and identification of particular pieces of land
Records land ownership
tax assessment
action plan maps such as to determine wastewater charges
emergency management
Geospatial Mapping
Mapping projects covering millions of Acres of land across various states of US, for our US based partners from different types of legal descriptions like Metes and Bounds,
Govt Land Survey (Township/Range/Sections based),Recorded Plat maps.
3,200,000+ hectares of forest land COGO mapped from legal description documents.
2,000,000+ parcels mapped with APN attribution from Scanned maps
customized Software Development Services
Using Aerial survey data along with Mobile Georeferenced videos, we map sealed surfaces cadastre, green space cadastre, unsealed cadastre, etc. for local authorities to manage their communal resources.
* 3500+ km of cadastral mapping of European cities for house tax, wastewater discharge.
* 100,000+ Hectares of Impervious Surface mapping for Canadian and US State/local authorities